The presentation of “The Creators of Eternal Way” by  Armenian public and political figure, historian from Lebanon Yeghik Jerjerian took place in the Session Hall of the Institute of History NAS RA on September 17, 2014. Writers, historians, public and political figures and other members of the Government were present during the presentation.

RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan greeted the presents and the author. According to her the book is a real eternal way, the way of struggle.

 “The book is a historical review on the formation and activities of Social Democrat Hunchakian Party. With the help of this book Yeghik Jerjerian brought home those figures of national liberation movement of the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, who struggled for the preservation of our identity and became heroes”,-added Hranush Hakobyan.

Doctor in History, Professor, Director of the Institute of History NAS RA Ashot Melkonyan, chairman of the Central Depratment of SDHP Hakob Tigranian, chief editor of Lebanese newspaper “Kamar” Zhirayr Danielyan, senior researcher of the department of New Ages of the Institute of History NAS RA Gegham Hovhannisyan and others expressed their opinions about the book. 

Yeghik Jerjerian thanked those who helped him in the  publication of the book. “My aim was to represent in this book those, who contributed to the formation of  Social Democrat Hunchakian Party.  This book is nothing compared with what they have done. We should speak more about what they  have done in order to pay a tribute to them”, said the author.