Gegham Baghdasaryan
Thomas de Waal



The discussion on “Karabakh Conflict. Deadlock or New Chances” took place on September 8, 2014 organized by British organization “Conciliation Resources” and the Center of Media Initiatives. The  discussion was organized on the occasion of the second edition of the Russian translation of “Black Garden. Armenia and Azerbaijan through Peace and War” by the analyst of “Carnegie Endowment” Thomas de Waal.  Among  the participants  of the discussion were political scientists and journalists Thomas de Waal, Gegham Baghdasaryan, Mikayel Zolyan and others.

The research done for “Black Garden” is based on 120 interviews conducted by the author of the book in 2000-2001, which was  supplemented by the testimonies of eye witnesses and  materials from intermediary sources. According to the author this book is the first, which takes into account the interests of both sides. It is the history of Karabakh Conflict and the portrait of modern Armenia and Azerbaijan. The author noted that during the preparation of the new edition he refreshed the text trying to keep the main theme of the book. 

 “I have worked in Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh for 3 months, and as much I have worked in Azerbaijan.  While being in Azerbaijan I really thought that there were victims, and the Armenians occupied  and  kept under control the significant part of their territory. Then coming to Armenia I began to look at the conflict through the eyes of the Armenians-The Armenians had no choice but to fight for their identity and rights. After such several visits I felt “ready” to write about these events” mentioned the author.

Thomas de Waal noted that all this time the negotiations were at a deadlock, because the Government of Azerbaijan  continues its morbid policy, considering its own country anti-Armenian. While Armenia has a proud contempt of winner. 

 Mikayel  Zolyan noted in his speech that Thomas de Waal objectively wrote what he saw. “Of course there are some parts in the book which are unacceptable and unexpected, such kind of ideas are difficult for us to accept.  Besides, the theme was painful both for us and for our neighboring country, which makes us approach emotionally to every idea expressed in the book”, added M. Zolyan

Gegham Baghdasarayan mentioned that when the first version of the book was published in  2003, two sides of the conflict were not ready to discuss and accept such kind of neutral book, thus, the book had its value. “This last publication differs from the previous one, as there is more realism and less optimism”, noted Gegham Baghdasarayan

At the end of the discussion the author thanked those, who helped him to publish  the book both in Armenia and in Azerbaijan.