Second International Armenological Congress Eduard Danielyan
Deputy Director of YSU Institute for Armenian Studies


 In the framework of the Second International Congress of the «Armenian Studies and the Challenges of Modern Times» about thirty-eight  armenologiests delivered  their reports on the history of Armenia, preservation the Armenian identity, Cilician Armenia,  Nagorno-Karabakh's status, as well as the origin and formation of the Armenian nation. They touched upon the criticism of Turkish-Azerbaijani  falsifications of history of Armenia and other countries.

Most of the speakers presented some conceptual issues of Armenian studies that still remain unresolved, stressing that winning the war is not yet a full-fledged victory and we should concentrate on the ideological struggle and not give up.

This problem was particularly touched upon by Mher Hovhannisyan in his report «Anti-Armenian manifestations of Internet Propaganda», as well as by Edward Danielyan, whose report was entitled «The Criticism of Turkish-Azerbaijani falsifications of history of Armenia and other countries».

Mher Hovhannisyan in his speech analyzed the common methodology and common features of seventy anti-Armenian Azerbaijani and Turkish sites.

Hovhannisyan also noted that annotation variants of the anti-Armenian literature dominate in Turkish sites, but full versions are presented in Azerbaijani sites.  According to him this is because of the direct orders of the Azerbaijani power elite, including President Ilham Aliyev to spread anti-Armenian "popular scientific" materials on Internet.

Edurad Danielyan, in   his turn, noted that Azerbaijan, being defeated in the war of Kharabakh, turned into a wild aggressive propaganda. They have tremendous support of Turkey next to them and spend huge money to spread disinformation through provocative falsification of history, however, the intellectual power is on the side of true historiography.

"The fact that in Armenia are carried out serious work in the field of Armenian studies is already an undeniable fact, however, from the point of view of scientific-cognitive aspects we still face a problem to present and to be presented", said Danielyan.

The Congress was of great importance in terms of presenting the historical development of Armenian studies, as well as from point of view of presenting scientific and practical input.

See The abstracts of the Second International Congress on Armenian Studies «Armenian Studies and the Challenges of Modern Times»