After Khosrov the Small’s death, his son Tiran (339-350) was recognized as Armenian Khosrov the SmallKing by Constantine II. However, Tiran’s son Tiridates and grandchildren Gnel and Tirit were kept as hostages in the Empire. Their lives were in danger. Tiran tried to preserve the independence of the country and avoided getting involved in Roman-Persian wars. He tried to keep good relationships with Persia. But Sassanids continued their hostilities. 

After the death of Vrtanes Catholicos his son Husik went to Mazhak-Caesarea to be ordained as a Catholicos. King Tiran met him near the bridge Tarep on his way back. The King and Catholicos solemnly entered Artashat. After some time the relationships between Husik and Tiran became worse. The Catholicos reproached the King. When Tiran with his companions wanted to enter church in Bnabegh fortress of Sophene (Tsopq), Husik didn’t allow them to do so and was executed.  Paren of Ashtishat, then Sahak from Abghianos’s dynasty became Patriarchs.   

Tiran’s relation with the ministers (nakharars Arm: նախարար) were bad, too. Because of it the Dynasties of Rshtuni and Artstruni suffered great losses and Commanders of the Armenian Army Artavazd and Vasak Mamikonyans moved to their ancestral land Tayk.

At that period governor (marzipan-մարզպան) of Atropatena Varaz arrested Tiran, blinded him with the coal and took him to Shapur. During the ongoing conflict with the Roman Empire the Persian King sought the ways to get rid of Tiran who supported Rome. 

Armenian Ministers tried to free the King on the path but without success.  Then Armenian Council sent a delegation to Constantine Emperor to conclude a military alliance against the Persians. Learning about it, Shapur agreed to release Tiran. Being blind, Tiran refused to run the state affairs and settled on the slopes of Aragats in Kvash (Kosh). Tiran’s son  Arsaces II (350-368) succeeded him. 

                                                                                               Danielyan E.

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