NIKOL DUMAN (Ter-Hovhannisyan Nikoghayos) was born in 1867 in the village of Ghshlagh (currently Tsakhkashat village in Askeran region of NKR).The figure of the Armenian liberation movement. Member of Armenian Revolutionary Federation from 1891.  In 1887, he graduated from the Shusha diocesan school. He taught in Armenian schools in the North Caucasus, in 1892-1894 in Tabriz. He took part in the battles at Derik (province of Salmast) in 1894-1896. With the group of 50 people he moved to Van in 1895. The idea of Khansor campaign in 1896 belonged to him. 

Then he moved to the Caucasus, lived in Baku. In 1904 he took part in the battles of Razi (near Mount Varaga). In 1905, during the Armenian-Tatar clashes he organized of the Armenian self-defense (in Baku, Yerevan, and in other places). On the issue of liberation of Western Armenia he was the supporter of the general uprising. In 1910 he took part in the 12th International Congress in Copenhagen. In 1911 he was in Trabzon, Karin, Van, and then in Persia, took part in the revolutionary movements, then returned to the Caucasus. Feeling that he cannot take part in the Armenian voluntary movement because of tuberculosis (First World War had already started), he committed suicide on September 23, 1914.



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