Encyclopedia >> Encyclopedia of Armenian History >> Nagorno Karabakh Republic. The Armed Forces and Social-Political Organizations

 NKR Armed forces are formed in accordance with NKR law “on Conscription", through the conscription of young people aged 18. The Commander in Chief of NKR Armed Forces is the President of the Republic and the army is managed by the Minister of Defense-army commander. NKR Armed Forces were formed in severe war conditions.

Social and political organizations. The “Armenakan”, the Communist, the “National Artsakh Union”, The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF), the Social-democratic party, “Veratsnund” party, Christian-democratic party are functioning in NKR. 

There are also a number of governmental and non-governmental organizations, women, youth, cultural associations. There are many organizations of war participants, families of fallen soldiers, war veterans. There is organization named "Vita", which provides support to wounded soldiers during Artsakh War, as well as Unions of Artsakh War veterans, parents of fallen soldiers, “Yerkarapah”, etc. 

 Source-Encyclopedia "Karabakh Liberation War 1888-1994", Yerevan, 2004.
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