GHULYAN ASHOT was born on October 6, 1959 in Baku. In 1975 his family moved to their native village Khndzristan (Askeran region, NKR), and then to Stepanakert. At the beginning of the Artsakh movement he and his friends prepared a homemade grenade, were engaged in illegal transportation of weapons, participated in partisan operations. 

Ghulyan  stood out in 1991 during the liquidation of the military convoy sent from Baku to Kelbajar. From 1991 he was the company commander. He participated in self-defense and liberation battles of Askeran, Hadrut, Shahumyan, Balibeklu, Khojalu, Krkzhan, Lesnoy, Karintak, Lachin, Martakert-Srkhavend, Bash-Gyunepaya, Orta-Gyunepaya, Malibeklu etc. He was especially distinguished by his brevity during the liberation of Shushi in 1992.

On the night of May 7, his company quietly came up to the prison and entered Shushi at dawn. 11 times he was injured and there were more than 10 fragments in his body, hence his nickname “Bekor” (meaning fragment). He was killed on August 24, 1992 in the village of Drmbon (Martakert region, NKR). Ghulyan was posthumously awarded NKR 1st degree order "Battle Cross" and the medal "For the Liberation of Shushi." 

The first motorized infantry battalion of the Central Defensive District and secondary school of Stepanakert №2 were named after Ghulyan. He was buried in Stepanakert. Artsakh hero (1999). He was posthumously awarded the order "Golden Eagle".

Source - "Who is Who. The Armenians" Encyclopedia, Volume I, Yerevan, 2005.

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