Encyclopedia >> Encyclopedia of Armenian History >> Liberation of Gharadaghlu

 LIBERATION OF GHARADAGHLU – a military operation in the NKR Martuni region which took place on February 17, 1992. The volunteer corps of Martuni and villages of Tchartar, Gishi, Spitakashen, Haghorti, Kaghatsi, Nngi, the first company of the NKR Self-Defense Forces (Commander Ashot Ghulyan) and the volunteer group "Arabo" (M. Yegiazaryan) took part in the operation. The aim of the operation was to suppress opponent’s firing points, to defend the surrounding villages from constant attacks and bombings and ensure the safety of roads.

Back in 1990, volunteer corps, in response to the pogroms of the Armenian population in Baku, carried out punitive actions against Azerbaijanis stationed in the village of Gharadaghlu. After that the opponent enlarged the local garrison, and attacked and bombarded surrounding villages. In the night of February 16, 1992, NKR Self-Defense Forces used mortar and a homemade gun from the height of Mushkapat and one infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) from the height of Kaghartsi.

At the dawn Self-Defense Forces attacked the village from different directions. The opponent strongly resisted, especially in the headquarters located at school. Suppressing the last circles of resistance, fighters pushed opponent’s garrison back from the corridor and liberated the village. In the course of military operations 70 weapons, large amounts of ammunition were seized, 60 Azerbaijani soldiers were killed and captured.

In the midst of the operation the enemy attacked in the direction of Martuni from  Amiranlar, with the aim of distracting Self-Defense Forces Command’s attention from Gharadaghlu and prevent attacks. However, Self-Defense Forces and volunteer corps successfully completed the operation and liberated Gharadaghlu.

M. Harutyunyan

Source:  Kharabakh Liberation War, 1988-1994, Armenian Encyclopedia edition, Yerevan, 2004. (in Armenian)
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